Household Baggage Handlers
In this deeply personal collection of stories, 48 wives share their total embarrassments, tragic experiences, and tender emotions as they tackle the daily dramas of military life. By turns touching and hilarious, Household Baggage Handlers opens the door on an often overlooked world, one requiring the survival skills to:
Household Baggage
Household Baggage is an entertaining collection of funny, poignant, and disarmingly candid essays written by Marna Ashburn, an Army wife for twenty years and mother of two children.
Marriage During Deployment
Since combat operations began in October 2001, more than 2.1 million U.S service members have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and over half of them were married. Marriage During Deployment, a memoir about a military family during wartime deployment, offers a window into the homelife and emotional world of a military family during deployment.